Amir Khan has never been a person that believes in standing idle and waiting for CHANGE, but rather being an agent of CHANGE.
Welcome from Amir Khan
About Amir M. Khan
Aughtney and Amir Khan have been married since July 28, 1979. They have three children and five grandchildren, all of which live in the Southern Jersey area.
Khan’s father was a physician that provided an array of medical services to the underserved in the City of Camden for 51 years. Embracing the values and work ethic in developing people of Dr. Khan, has led Khan to having a successful background in creating and developing organizations and environments that foster the best in people.
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Vision, Issues, & Values
Amir Khans Vision is a Camden like it was when he grew up there years ago. Amir envisions a Camden where anyone who wants a Good job can find, train for and get a good job. Any qualified man or woman who wants to start a small business can get help from their government to make that dream come true. Amir’s Vision is a Camden that has the best education and community football, baseball, basketball, soccer, golf, rowing, coding, debate team, band, singing, robotics and travel teams that are the envy of the nation for our youth. Finally Camden was and can be again a safe and cultural center for the entire east coast. It takes vision and work to bring it about but with the help of God and Camden’s people we can show the world how a turnaround is done.
Amir values dignity for every man woman boy and girl. He values unity harmony hard work and love. Almost everyone will work hard if they’re rewarded properly for their work.
Amir values-Faith Hope and Love.